Sunday, September 22, 2019

My flowers

Aren't they pretty :)

Leafy veges

The one on the bottom is Gongura - not what you think 😛. 

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Corn, oranges, hydrangea

Zucchini, beerakaya, eggplants, tomatoes, beans, gongura, golden squash, zucchini

Rock rose, rose campion, calla lily, rock purslane

Mums, sunflower, gardenia and ....

Dal with Bachali

Nothing beats home made food. Interested in more info? :

Chillies - both hot and sweet

My beautiful roses

Wish I knew the names. Beautiful right?

Heirloom tomatoes

Hibiscus - gifted by my friend

Orange juice from my own oranges

Drinking every day - 3 oranges is all it takes. Well, honestly I like to eat them, but I have TMJ now and am not able to eat them. So have to go with the juice.

Beans (Chikkudu, Papdi) whatever you call it

This is supposed to be non-vine version of chikkudukaya (papdi) - Indian version of certain variety of beans. Getting too many of these beans now a days. They are very tasty though.

Butternut squash - mine again

I got this plant from someone who said it is a Zucchini. As it kept growing it turned out to be something. Well, a good one. This is my first time with butternut squash. Can't wait to cook with them - though am not sure what to. LOL.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Beerakaaya - versatile vegetable

This is one vegetable where nothing goes to waste. You can make pachadi (pickle) with the skin and the inside too. Curry with this vegetable is actually very taste.

What is this? Can anyone guess?

Not sure what this is? Is it a melon? Or is it a pumpkin? Is it a vege? Or is it a fruit?
Your guess might be better than mine :)

Bitter melon - Kakarakaya

I am getting so many of these, donno what to do with them. LOL.

Lawn to vegetable garden

So true. I transformed my lawn completely. I am enjoying all the food I am growing. I didn't buy any veges in the last 15 months. And I have very small piece of land. Here are some before and after pics.

This is the before pic obviously :)

This is the after pic - I grow mostly flowers in my front yard. But then I do have Tree Collard growing like crazy along with couple of citrus trees. 

This "was" my back lawn

And now it is a jungle with lots of fruits and veges. This is my paradise.

Dosakai - harvested finally

Indian Cucumber - Dosakai. Love it. Very versatile. You can make curry, pickle or pappu. I made all of them. They are huge and many in my yard.

Jujubes - my favorite

These are my jujubees or Chinese dates. These remind me of Regi pandu (Telugu). I just love them. Came from back from vacation to this huge crop. Ate almost all of them.